The shapes of electrons: Solving a cryptic puzzle with a little help from a hologram A recent discovery published in Nature Physics provides an innovative technique for calculating the shapes of electrons. This finding will help scientists gain a better and faster understanding of the properties of complex materials. Scientists used holographic logic to compile an algorithm for visualizing the shape of an electron in a superconducting material. This successful collaboration clarified the puzzling results of a series of experiments performed in the past 15 years, resolving a mysterious scientific enigma. Journal Reference: Emanuele G. Dalla Torre, Yang He, Eugene Demler. Holographic maps of quasiparticle interference. Nature Physics, 2016; DOI: 10.1038/nphys3829 Popular science articles: English Jerusalem Post – “Solving a cryptic puzzle with a little help from a hologram”
See also: Eurekalert, Sciencedaily , Azoquantum, Ecnmag,, R&D Magazine, Admiral News, The Science Explorer,
Science line – “Visualizing electrons, at last” Physics department at Harvard – “Holographic Maps of quasiparticle interference” עברית YNET – “בעזרת הולוגרמה: נמצא פתרון לחידה סבוכה בפיזיקה” Español Tendencias21 – “Observan la forma de los electrones de un superconductor”See also Invdes
Italiano Galileo Net – “Ecco la forma degli elettroni nei superconduttori” ]]>