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  • Matan Ben Dov, David Shnaiderov, Adi Makmal, Emanuele G. Dalla Torre, Approximate encoding of quantum states using shallow circuits, arXiv:2207.00028
  • Emanuele G. Dalla Torre and Matthew J. Reagor, Simulating long-range coherence of atoms and photons in quantum computers, arXiv:2206.08386
  • Daniel Azses, Maxime Dupont, Bram Evert, Matthew J. Reagor, Emanuele G. Dalla Torre, Navigating the noise-depth tradeoff in adiabatic quantum circuits, arXiv:2209.11245
  • Mohammad Suleiman, Emanuele G. Dalla Torre, Yachin Ivry, Flexible Amorphous Superconducting Materials and Quantum Devices with Unexpected Tunability, arxiv:2002.10297